Heading Heavenward

Bible Reading: Genesis 12:1-10
Author: Cynthia Losness (Michigan, USA)
Friday 10 May 2024 © The Upper Room.

At God’s call, Abraham and Sarah (then Abram and Sarai) left Ur, the city of their family. God had promised to make of Abraham a great nation, through which all the earth would be blessed. How Abraham must have questioned this as the years passed and Sarah remained barren! Yet when they both reached a very old age, Isaac was born to them – truly God’s miracle and the beginning of God’s people, the Israelites.

Through Abraham and Sarah, many generations later, would come the Saviour of the world. Two years ago when our family, consisting of our teenage grandson, our daughter, son-in-law, their infant son, my husband, myself, two cats and a turtle, bounced along the motorway in our two vehicles, I thought of Abraham’s courage. 

Like Abraham, we were leaving a comfortable home for an unknown, far-away ministry with our eldest daughter and her family. Abraham trusted the Lord through the difficulties and uncertainties. We can look to Abraham’s example of faith to propel us forward over the bumps of this challenging earthly life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us look to you when we face uncertainties. Remind us that no matter where we move, our eternal home is with you. Amen

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