
Bible Reading: Luke 6:35-38
Author: Sindy Yuliana Granja (Cali, Colombia)
Monday 20 May 2024 © The Upper Room.

Ten years ago in Baudó, Colombia, a family friend took the life of my father. My family had helped this person, along with some of his other family members. After a falling out with my brother, this person sought revenge by killing my father. His senseless act filled me with unbelievable hatred for him.

Later, I visited the city of Cali where my aunt lived and she invited me to her church. As I learned more about Jesus Christ I accepted him as my Saviour and my faith increased. I also attended prayer meetings held at my aunt’s house. At one such meeting, the leader led us in prayer based on the theme of forgiveness. At that moment I sensed a very real presence persuading me that in order to seek forgiveness from God, I first had to forgive my father’s killer.

After we had prayed, the leader asked each person to share any comments about our prayer time. When it was my turn, I opened my mouth but could not speak. I wept as I was overcome by the marvellous transformation I had just experienced. Since then, I have gained inner peace and am at peace with other people. I have learned to pray for the person who caused my family harm. We can all experience the salvation and forgiveness that God offers.

Prayer: Loving God, help us to forgive others as you have forgiven us. Amen

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