
Bible Reading: Acts 2:42-47
Saturday 27 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Some of my best memories are of times when I was part of a church youth group trip. My favourite trip was to a place near mountains. We spent several days there enjoying the beauty of the mountains and eating our meals around a campfire.

The places I saw were breathtaking. The food was great, and the cool mountain air was invigorating.

But the best thing about this trip was the Christian fellowship. We shared about how God had made a beautiful world for us. We talked about how God had changed our lives. And we prayed about opportunities to serve God in the future.

I think that the early church was much like my youth group trips. Our Bible verses today tell us that these Christians shared things, they ate together and they prayed together (verse 42b).

Look for ways to fellowship with other Christians. God will bless and strengthen you as you meet with your brothers and sisters in Christ. —JK

Acts 2:46a “The believers shared a common purpose, and every day they spent much of their time together.”

PRAYER: God, thank You for opportunities to fellowship with Christians. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Fantastic! I’m so thrilled by God’s goodness that He has brought about such a wonderful way of communicating His love and Gospel to Deaf people. I’m convinced God will use it to His glory and that it will be an effective means of nurturing Deaf Christians for whom church and the Bible is often difficult. You can be assured of my prayers in asking our Father to use these means to reach Deaf people who would never dream of entering a church building. KS