Bible Reading: December 31, 2019
Author: Mr. Rick Alexander (Virginia, USA)
Saturday 27 July 2024 © The Upper Room.
What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

One morning I stood praying in the empty sanctuary of my little church.  As I looked out the window at the changing weather, I could see that a cold front was moving in as dark, heavy clouds pushed across the sky.  Though I was thankful to be sheltered inside, I also appreciated the beauty of the scene.

My thoughts turned to Psalm 29, where the glory of the Lord is found in the storm.  Other scripture passages also talk about God amid the violence of the storm:  In Nahum 1 the prophet thunders vengeance against sinful Nineveh.  He uses the storm metaphors to describe the intense power of God’s judgment.  Yet right in the middle of the fury is a verse that stands out because of its incongruity.  Verse 7 reads, “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him”.  What beauty amid the storm!

Finally, I thought of Jesus as he commanded the pounding rain, fierce waves, and raging wind to be still.  It made those around him recoil in awe: “What manner of man is this!”  No matter how ferocious the storm, God who is beautiful is in the midst of it.  God is ever near to us — our shelter, our stronghold, and our beautiful peace.

Prayer:  Dear God, thank you for being by our side during the storms of life.  Amen. 
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