Bible Reading: Matthew 1:1-17
Author: Miss Hannah Meyer (California, USA)
Saturday 27 July 2024 © The Upper Room.
When I open up the first chapter of Matthew and read seventeen verses of names, my first question is, Why?  

I think Matthew put the genealogy in for several reasons: First, Jesus was human.  We focus on Jesus as God quite often, but it’s important to remember that he was also a man.
Second, several names on the list fulfil Messianic prophecy.  In Jeremiah 23:5, God says, “I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely.”  Matthew wants to show that Jesus fulfilled that prophecy.  

Third, this list proves that God can use any person for divine purposes.  On the list are Abraham, Ruth, and David, heroes of the faith.  But Rehab and Tamar were prostitutes, and Manasseh and Abijah didn’t have the best reputation.
Jesus’ family tree included all kinds, more than a few who were disreputable.  But God worked through all of them.

Sometimes, we may wonder how God could possibly work through us.  Matthew reminds us that God can and does work through each and every one of us. 

Prayer: Dear God, help us to see how you are working through the people around us.  Open our hearts to serve you each day. Amen.
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