Bible Reading: John 1:1-14
Author: Mr. Bob Baer (Kansas, USA)
Sunday 28 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
When my phone rang at 6:00 on that Sunday morning, it was my wife calling with news that her father had died.  In my sorrow, I realised that I needed to plan for others to assume my responsibilities at church, inform our children of their grandfather’s death, and prepare for the 700-mile trip to be with family for his funeral. 

As I walked the two blocks from our house to the church, the sky was still dark, as dark and despairing as I felt.  Suddenly I looked up and saw a large lighted star atop the tallest building in our town.  I’m sure it had been there other mornings, but I’d never noticed.  At this moment, it seemed to be saying, “Look!  Look at me!  It’s not as dark as you think.”  I was filled with hope.  I sensed “Emmanuel” — God with us. 

As we proceed through Advent toward celebrating another Christmas, we may find ourselves walking in darkness — weary, grieving, or burdened by health or financial issues or other concerns about the future.  At such times, we can remember John’s testimony to Jesus: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Prayer: God of light and love, help us to sense your nearness in these days.  Be for us a light in the darkness of our lives. Amen. 
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