Bible Reading: John 13:3-17
Author: Ms. Carol Harrison (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Saturday 27 July 2024 © The Upper Room.
For six weeks my broken knee had limited my ability to do things for myself.  When my friend offered to come over and care for my feet, I reluctantly accepted.  She arrived and promptly began by filling a basin with warm water to soak my feet.  After that she sat and tenderly dried them, clipped and filed the nails, and finally polished the nails to make me feel pampered.

My friend’s act of service reminded me of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.  He was their teacher and their Lord but took on a task reserved for household servants.  He taught in words and by example how they should treat one another.  Paul expressed it this way: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others”.

I was humbled by my friend’s servant heart and challenged by scripture and her example to look for those in need and to seek ways — no matter how humble — that I can serve God by serving others.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to be mindful of the needs of others. Amen.
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I am deaf with C.I. - basic BSL, want to learn more. Go to Bridgwater and Weston Super Mare signing church. Have met Gill several times. I think this is a wonderful!! My kind friend Astrid sent me this from Bristol - she has cycled round the world in 2 years - a magical feat! I found life difficult when becoming deaf and decided to make it more `visible` by making BSL jewellery. I have sold some and donate to BSL bible translation, so it is lovely to have this and I will tell my friends about it. JN