
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:25-34
Author: Mrs. Karen Gower Woodard (North Carolina, USA)
Saturday 27 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
In 2014, my son was in the hospital for an extended period.  It was wintertime, and the coldness and dreariness of the season seemed magnified by our circumstance and surroundings.  But at the bleak hospital, a small alcove in an open courtyard gave me great peace.  Thick jasmine vines wove a canopy over an ornate bench.  On either side were cypress evergreens and camellia bushes full of colourful blooms.  In the centre stood a beautiful birdhouse and bird feeder on a pole. But the greatest thing about this spot was the birdsong that echoed within the hospital walls.  That small garden was full of life and nature’s music.

Each day I would push my son’s wheelchair on our walks and stop in that spot.  For a few moments, we could forget about problems and just enjoy the natural beauty, watch the playful birds, and listen to their beautiful songs.  I often think back on that garden because it provided us a peaceful setting in a difficult season and always brought to my mind the words from today’s reading.  It reminded me that God cares for the birds — and even more for us.
We do not go through life’s struggles alone.  God’s love and care go with us always — and along with those blessings, a peace that “surpasses all understanding”.

Prayer:  Thank you, Lord, for your love and care. Thank you for healing, and thank you for your peace. Amen.
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