A Joyful Noise!

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:17-20
Author: Miss Tina Chaves (New Jersey, USA)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
As a teenager in the 1980s, I got swept up in the punk and new-wave-music craze.  Even though punk was supposed to be anti-fashion, there really was a certain “look” that we punks loved, one that was ultimately designed to shock and offend.  The music and lyrics of punk and new wave were meant to do the same.  I can remember my poor mom patiently enduring hours of bands like the Clash and the Ramones blasting from the stereo in my bedroom.  Needless to say, she is thankful that my taste in music has evolved.  I now appreciate many genres of music, including classical, jazz, and even opera.  Listening to composers such as Mozart or Bach now fill me with joy.

As I reflect on my lifelong love for music, I am reminded that God is a music lover too.  God created it, after all.  Heaven is full of music and song.  Scripture tells us that the angels in heaven continually sing praises to God.
I believe God is deeply moved whenever we lift our voices in praise and adoration, making melody in our hearts. And God actually rejoices over us with singing.  So through any style of music we may prefer, singing praises to God is truly a “joyful noise,” for both us and God.

Prayer:  O God, we delight in the music we make in our hearts for you.  May it fill your heart with joy.  Amen.Thought for the Day: I can worship God through any type of music.

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