Look around

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 2:4-8
Author: Mr. Bob LaForge (New Jersey)

Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
I have a double stroller for my twin daughters.  Its rigid canopy normally stays over their heads like an umbrella, but it can be pulled down so that it covers their faces.  The last time we took them to the zoo, for some reason known only to four-year-olds, they were determined to keep the canopy pulled down across their eyes for the entire visit.  I would pull up the canopy and proclaim with great enthusiasm, “Look at the size of those giraffes!”  But then, four little hands would immediately reach up and pull the canopy back down.  Amazing sights were all around them, but they missed everything.  It was a frustrating three hours.

But who am I to complain?  How many times has God said, “Look at the comfort of my promises,” but I refuse to look by not studying the Bible?  God says, “Talk to me; I have so much to give you,” but I daydream instead.  God tells me, “You can do things that will not only bless you now but will store up treasures in heaven,” but I go and waste my time doing other things.  How many times have I reached up and pulled the blinders back down over my eyes?

God has surrounded us with many assurances and blessings.  If we will only reach out in faith and grab hold of them, then we will be able to proclaim, “Look at the size of those blessings!”

Prayer: Dear Lord, may our eyes always be open to your abundant blessings.  Amen.
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