Focused Thinking

Bible Reading: Romans 11: 33 - 12: 2
Author: Jane Reid (Oregon, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
My husband is a mathematician. His education moulded his mind in ways that help him solve engineering problems. My own education in home economics formed my mind quite differently. The way we use our minds and the kinds of problems we solve shape the way we think. 

The same can be true for Christians when we educate ourselves in scripture. Studying God’s word shapes our minds and changes the way we think. In today’s quoted verse, Paul even goes so far as to tell us what to think about. Contemplating this verse, I realised that what Paul asks us to think about is a list of God’s character traits. God is truth and righteousness. He is pure and noble. When we think about who God is and what he is like, our minds can be transformed.

Perhaps this is what the Bible means when it tells us to fix our thoughts on Jesus  Many writers throughout the ages have urged Christians to study the Bible and memorise scripture. How exciting and astonishing that doing this can actually change the way we think, renewing and transforming our minds. What wonderful news! Memorising Philippians 4:8 is a great place for us to start.

Prayer: Blessed Lord, we praise you for your written word that has the power to change us through the renewing of our minds. Amen
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Hi Bro/ Sis, BSL daily devotion is brilliant and useful for all BSL users and know more about Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Also, know more what is mean to us and to our spiritual life. MA