
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 7: 7 - 12
Author: Deb Vellines (Missouri, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

When I first sang the words, ‘Here  I  raise  mine  Ebenezer;  hither  by thy help I’m come’, I had no idea what Ebenezer meant. Then I read today’s scripture and learned that Ebenezer refers to a stone memorial that Samuel built to remind the people how much God had helped them. The word means ‘Stone of Help’. 

I recognise the Lord’s daily help when I look back at my journals, which I now think of as ‘Ebenezer journals’.  Each day I make a list of ten things I am thankful for from the day before. I also make a list of prayer requests. 

The thank-you lists are often answers to the requests. Regardless of the year or date, as I flip open the pages I am always struck by God’s faithfulness. I am especially thankful for these records on days when I question God’s answers — or lack of answers. When we remember God’s help ‘thus far’, then, like Samuel, we can give thanks. And as we raise our Ebenezers, we need not doubt that help will come.

Prayer: Loving Father, thank you for hearing our prayers. Help us to trust your faithfulness. Amen Thought 

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