The best legacy

Bible Reading: Read Deuteronomy 11:18-21
Author: Juita Kartini (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Saturday 20 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
When I was a child, my father would gather the whole family together every evening to read the Bible and The Upper Room. When we prayed together and he gave a brief explanation of the scripture, I felt it come alive.

When I went to college, we had difficulty getting the family together. But I felt I was missing something if I skipped a day of the habit my father had instilled in us. So I subscribed to The Upper Room. I have read it every day since. The meditations guide me or remind me to begin the day with a peaceful mind.

Hours before Dad passed away in May 2013 he told us that even though he must leave us, we can keep in mind that God, our eternal Father, will never leave us. Things have never been the same since Dad died, but I keep his legacy of faith in God as our eternal Father in my heart. I pray to God in my ups and downs, in daily life and in nights full of tears. I seek God’s word by reading the Bible every morning for strength.

I thank God for my dad and his legacy. When I have children, I will do the same to share the gift of God’s eternal love.

Prayer: God Almighty, thank you for good role models who show us how to follow you. Amen

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