Caring for creation

Bible Reading: Psalm 104:10-28
Author: Nancy Allman-Bull (Ohio, US)
Saturday 20 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
One Sunday morning I found myself looking out at the back garden, which was cloaked in a layer of snow. As I stood enjoying the beautiful wintry scene, I noticed that a large tree had dropped its tiny cones– delivering seeds to the ground where rabbits, squirrels and birds delighted in nature’s gift to them.

After church, I again stopped to take in the snowy landscape that always draws my heart and mind to God and creation. A fresh layer of snow had fallen, and on top of the snow lay more tiny cones. It was as if God had shaken the tree branches to provide more food for the animals. The scene was a perfect image of the verse from Matthew above. I smiled as I thought of the satisfaction I get from putting out bird seed and water all year around. I am God’s hands and feet caring for creation, fulfilling the role I believe he plans for us all.

Watching the wildlife in my garden, I’m envious of their carefree nature. Truly they neither sow nor reap; nor do they worry. God feeds them – both directly through nature and indirectly through people like you and me who derive satisfaction from caring for his creatures, great and small.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of caring for your creation. Amen

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