Fourth Sunday in Lent

Bible Reading: Psalm 46:1-11
Author: Jodi C. Czabajszki (Texas, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
Fourth Sunday in Lent

Read Psalm 46:1–11

Within a period of ten months, eleven family members, friends and a work colleague had died. My 14-year-old cousin had been killed while crossing the road at night. And my 23-year-old niece, who had just won her battle with leukaemia, died from an unrelated cause. My heart ached as I tried to reach out to the parents of those who had died while also dealing with my own grief.
How can I find peace in the midst of loss and troubling times? This question ran through my mind often as I searched the scriptures for solace. Over and over I was drawn to Psalm 46:10. As I continued to read this psalm, I realised that my hope is not in this world but in God and his promises. Time and again, I’m encouraged to let God be my refuge and strength, a helper in my times of trouble.
As Jesus was getting ready to leave his disciples, he told them to take courage because he was going to prepare a place for them and was also leaving them his peace. His was a peace that is not found in this world. As we go to God with thanksgivings and petitions, we have his promise of a peace that passes all our understanding (see Philippians 4:7). God’s peace is a deep, abiding peace in times of trouble and grief.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for being our place of refuge and our strength when life is difficult. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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