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Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:1-8
Author: Jane Reid (Oregon, US)
Tuesday 23 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
At our home in Oregon, we keep an umbrella by our door because we get such heavy rain from October to April that we can go for days with- out seeing the sun, moon or stars. Although these sources of light may be hidden by the clouds and rain, we know they are still in the heavens. It is harder to find assurance that there is still light when we encounter ‘clouds’ like death, disease, depression and war. It can feel as though God is hiding or ignoring us. Where is the assurance that he is
still there and cares about our problems?
When I feel separated from God by the ‘clouds’ of my life, I turn to his promises in the Bible for reassurance. Jesus promises to be with us ‘to the very end of the age’ (Matthew 28:20). The psalmist declares that God ‘who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep’ (Psalm 121:4). And scripture assures us that God’s presence is everywhere.
Reading the Bible every day and memorising verses about God’s presence can act as an umbrella in the rain. When clouds of fear appear, we can remember and repeat these biblical promises. Holding on to God’s word can shelter us from fear and help our faith to grow.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for keeping us constantly in your care. Amen
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Fantastic! I’m so thrilled by God’s goodness that He has brought about such a wonderful way of communicating His love and Gospel to Deaf people. I’m convinced God will use it to His glory and that it will be an effective means of nurturing Deaf Christians for whom church and the Bible is often difficult. You can be assured of my prayers in asking our Father to use these means to reach Deaf people who would never dream of entering a church building. KS