A Good Foundation

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:5-11
Author: Ishwarbhai Hirabhai Dabhi (Gujarat, India)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

I grew up in a small rural village in Gujarat, India. When I was old enough, my parents sent me to a Christian boarding school. Though I received a good education, the school was not funded properly, and we never had enough to eat. I cannot think of a day during my four years at the school when I did not go to bed hungry.

But when I look back I have very fond memories of the school. During my years at the school, I came to know the Lord and my education built a good foundation for the rest of my life.

Because I am so grateful for the seeds of faith that the school gave me, I have made a commitment to visit the school every year to help the children and to meet some of their needs. I provide a good meal and a small, practical gift for each child. After the meal, the children greet me and receive their gifts. Each child hugs me and says, ‘Thank you, Uncle. God bless you.’ Being able to help the children of the school where the seeds of faith were first planted in me is one of the greatest joys and blessings of my life.

In our reading, Paul reminds the Corinthians that seeds of faith can be planted in many ways, but it is ‘God who gives the growth’ (v. 6). When we show compassion and nurture the faith of others, we help to lay the foundation of Christ for future generations.

Prayer: God, our Father, be gracious to us and give us generous hearts that we may share with those in need. Amen
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