Trusting God

Bible Reading: Romans 8:28-31
Author: Paul E. Vander Wege (Iowa, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

I once worked as a department manager in a supermarket. I became frustrated with my job and dismayed that I was not receiving meaningful recognition for my work. 

As a result of this experience, I thought God might have been testing my faith to see if I would stand firm, building my faith to help me be stronger, or removing something that would harm me or limit my growth in the future.

At times it is difficult to understand what God is doing in our lives. We may ask, ‘Why is this happening to me?’ On the other hand, we can say, ‘I don’t know why this is happening, but I know I can trust God to give me what is best.’ This is what I chose to do.

Now as I look back and think about how my life has turned out, I see God’s hand in the situation and realise that he has been with me and guided me throughout my life.

Such experiences are not pleasant, but God can use them to build our faith and make us stronger. Although we may not understand what he is doing in our lives, God is always faithful and wants what is best for us.

Prayer: Faithful God, build our faith and our trust in you. Amen

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