The Noble Ones

Bible Reading: Mark 2:1-12
Author: Mark Weinrich (Nevada, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

The four friends of the paralysed man in today’s reading would not allow any barriers to stand between them and bringing their friend to Jesus. They were so determined that they dug a hole in the roof of the house where Jesus was preaching. I believe their efforts in bringing their friend to the Lord were only a small part of the time they must have invested in him. Who clothed and fed him? Who helped him relieve himself and cleaned up after him? Who provided a place for him to stay? Were these men his carers? No doubt his life was not only in their hands but on their hearts.

For the seven months I was struggling with cancer, I called my wife my cellmate. Our lives had come to a standstill, but she didn’t complain. She cared for me and informed our family and friends of my progress. I’m sure I would not be where I am today if not for those who kept me on their hearts.

If anyone deserves to be honoured today, it is those who serve unnoticed in caring for those who are ill or disabled. Though they are forgotten by many, to those they care for they are like the psalmist’s noble ones in whom he delighted.

Prayer: God of all compassion, thank you for those who unselfishly serve those who are sick or disabled. Bless them with your love and care. Amen

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