The Frugal Life

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:24-34
Author: Caryl Moll (Gauteng, South Africa)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

I was standing in a slow-moving supermarket queue, leaning wearily on my shopping trolley as I edged toward the check-out. My eyes fell on the contents of my trolley—piled high with things that weren’t really necessary: crisps, sweets, the latest magazine, a pre-prepared meal.

I venture to suggest that many of us can live more frugally. What prompts us to buy so much? Is it simple lack of thought or do we like to hoard? Or perhaps we buy what advertisers tell us we need.

In scripture, Jesus teaches us not to worry about our daily needs, to choose instead to seek God’s kingdom above all else. I believe that if our focus were indeed on seeking the righteousness of God, we wouldn’t spend so much on ourselves. Perhaps the money we would have spent could be used to help someone in need rather than to fill our own cupboards. And we may well discover that as we give, our own lives are enriched as well.

Prayer: Help us, O God, to trust in your promise to provide for us as we seek to obey your calling on our lives! Amen

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