In Jesus' Name

Bible Reading: Matthew 26:36-44
Author: George Nye (Oregon, US)
Saturday 27 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

When I read Jesus’ words, ‘I will do whatever you ask in my name’ (John 14:13), I realise that—in a sense—God’s power is at my disposal. So, I reason, this means that I can force goodness and get revenge on those who don’t live up to my standards! But wait. My will should match God’s will. I have to ask in Jesus’ name—with Jesus’ purpose and motives. I cannot act out of indignation or inflict my self-righteous judgements upon others. Instead, invoking God’s power means redeeming damaged souls and advancing loving relationships—motives that reflect God’s will for the world.

Jesus struggled in Gethsemane to bring his will into alignment with God’s will. Jesus’ request, ‘Let this cup pass from me’ (Matthew 26:39, NRSV), did not stop there. Jesus added, ‘… yet not what I want but what you want’. Sometimes my prayers become an intense wrestling match to bring my will under God’s will so that I can pray effectively for the person or event that concerns me. Praying in Jesus’ name helps us to see those we’re praying for through God’s eyes and to love them with his love. Then, as God addresses our needs within the concerns we express, he can bring some healing to our lives as well.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to trust that your will is always the most loving and merciful way. Amen


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