Make Me a Blessing

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:32-40
Author: David Ted De Hass (Iowa, US)
Saturday 27 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

When I was a child, my pastor and his wife made a real difference in my life. One year they even took me on holiday with them. They and other special people have truly been a blessing to me. Their gentleness, thoughtfulness, kindness and uplifting spirits have inspired me to become a means for God to bless others.

As I have grown older, I have found that being preoccupied with my own problems—physical infirmities, financial troubles or difficult relationships—can keep me from seeing the needs of others and stand in the way of my helping them.

The solution lies in remembering that our God is greater than our problems. Knowing that God will take care of us enables us to shift our focus away from ourselves toward helping others. Only when we let go of self-centredness and become truly concerned about another’s welfare can we then act to meet that person’s needs.

Prayer: All-powerful God, give us opportunities to show your love by caring for others. In Christ’s name. Amen


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God bless you all and thanks to God for Ramon's healing! \O/ SD