Moved with Compassion

Bible Reading: Matthew 9:35-38
Author: Leslie Anne Neal Segraves (Tennessee, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Scrunched in the seat of a pedal rickshaw in India, I observed the masses of humanity pressed together on the narrow street. The sound of horns, the smell of fumes and the sight of chaotic bustling overwhelmed my senses. Struck by the scene, I wondered what God thought while looking at such a crowd. Then I thought of Matthew 9:36: ‘When Jesus saw the crowd, he had compassion on them.’

Jesus’ response to the people revealed the vision of God. The word ‘compassion’ in Greek indicates a gut-wrenching burden for people. That burden led Jesus to send his followers on a mission to engage the ‘harassed and helpless’. Jesus wanted his followers to reach those who are suffering.

Viewing this crowd of people has led me to pray for them and moved me to deep compassion. I was propelled into action. As our rickshaw slowly manoeuvred its way through the crowds, I wondered what our world would be like if every Christ-follower were to pray for those who are suffering and then to act with compassion as Jesus commands.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, give us a compassion that moves us to see others through your eyes. Send us to serve those who are suffering. Amen

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