Man in the Tower

Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-11
Author: Robert C. Miller (Pennsylvania, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

When my children were younger, they looked forward to the challenge of a large maze which was organised at a local farm. Each year, the design of the maze was different. One year we took much longer than usual to find the exit, repeatedly encountering dead ends. My son began to worry that we were not going to be able to get out. A short time later, he pointed to a tall wooden tower not far away at the top of which stood a young man with binoculars. ‘Let’s ask him!’ exclaimed my son.

Our lives are not unlike a large maze, requiring us to make many choices and decisions. We may begin our life’s journey with a false sense of confidence in our own ability to navigate—only to discover the dead ends of failed relationships, unforeseen career changes, betrayal or illness. Times like these require us to retrace our steps and turn to Christ who can heal our pain and renew our strength to press on toward joyful living. When we are lost, we can look to Jesus, the ‘man in the tower’ always on watch, and say, ‘Show me the way!’

Prayer: Gracious God, when the road we walk seems dark, confusing and hopeless, grant us the courage to press on toward the eternal reward you promise for each of us. Amen


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