The Little Things

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:7-15
Author: Reninaldo Santana-Rabell (Vega Alta, Puerto Rico)
Saturday 27 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

We were leisurely playing a game when the phone rang and one of my daughters ran to answer it. We have taught her to answer the phone with ‘good morning’ or ‘good evening’ followed by ‘God bless you.’ 

The caller did not reply, but we could hear her sobbing softly. My daughter was a bit startled and called me to the phone. It was a good friend of ours and when she regained her composure she said: ‘I apologise. It’s just that it’s been a while since someone has said “God bless you” to me. When I heard your daughter’s voice, I truly felt God saying those words to me.’

We can do so much to share God’s love through the little things. People need to feel and experience God’s love. They need someone to show concern, to listen or perhaps to share a gentle embrace. Today, tomorrow or on any given day, God can use each of us to bless someone.

Prayer Creator God, help us to be caring, useful people who are blessings to others. In the name of Jesus. Amen

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I am so thrilled and excited about the BSL version of Deaf Missions Daily Devotions. I have their booklet and been using them for nearly a year. I have good command of English but still struggle with the concept of the context at times. What a difference it has made just watching someone signing the passage so clearly and of superior quality! I notice the USA are far more advanced with access to the Gospel in ASL but now you have made it possible for us. So many thanks for this! May it go from strength to strength. JJ