To Hear the Word

Bible Reading: James 2:1-9
Author: David Hosey (District of Columbia, USA)
Saturday 27 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Our young adult Bible study group sat outside a sandwich shop in downtown Washington, DC.

We were beginning our discussion of James when a man approached our table.

‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘are you studying the Bible?’ 

One of us tentatively answered, ‘Yes.’

‘May I join you?’

We glanced at each other. How could we say no?

The man sat down and asked if we would read the passage again. We did, and it was stunning.

James indicts his audience for showing favouritism to the rich while neglecting the poor. Ray, the man who had joined us, listened intently as we read.

Then he told us about being homeless and going into churches and being ignored, or even asked to leave because he wasn’t well-dressed and clean-shaven.

‘The worst part of being homeless,’ he said, ‘is having nowhere to hear the word.’ He meant the ‘word of God’; but he could have also meant any word at all.

Too often, people who are homeless are ignored; no one speaks to them. After studying the Bible and sharing a meal, we asked Ray if we could pray for him; but he prayed for us.

Christ visited us that night. How many other nights have we received a visit from Christ and not seen it?

Prayer: God of the poor, help us to see your face in everyone who is in need. Amen

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Fantastic! I’m so thrilled by God’s goodness that He has brought about such a wonderful way of communicating His love and Gospel to Deaf people. I’m convinced God will use it to His glory and that it will be an effective means of nurturing Deaf Christians for whom church and the Bible is often difficult. You can be assured of my prayers in asking our Father to use these means to reach Deaf people who would never dream of entering a church building. KS