The Way

Bible Reading: John 14:1-6
Author: Sheila Hester (North Carolina, USA)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

I have problems finding my way. When I embark on any trip I frequently get lost and require detailed directions. I rely heavily on a sat-nav to help me get where I want to go.

In these wonderful verses from John’s Gospel, Jesus is telling his disciples of his final destination. It is an amazing place with room for all.

When Thomas wants directions and a map, our Lord firmly states that the only route to our heavenly destination is through him: ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’ (John 14:6).

These verses from John were my dear grandfather’s favourites. As a retired pastor, he quoted many scripture verses but none with the passion and fire that he recited these verses from John.

Although he often read them on sad occasions—at the deathbed of his brother and at the funerals of many loved ones—my grandfather saw them as joyful words.

When we give ourselves to Jesus Christ, he gives us directions to that special place. We even have a guide—God’s word.

We have no further need for a map or a sat-nav. What a wonderful feeling to know that we are never travelling alone and that our Saviour has prepared the way!

Prayer: Our gracious Guide, continue to lead us and direct us in your service. We give you thanks for preparing the way for us. Amen

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