Birds (2)

Bible Reading: Psalm 9:1-20
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
Once I lived near a pond. In the spring, there were a few geese at the pond. But in the summer, many geese gathered there. They would fly around in groups, finding food to eat and drinking water from the pond.

In the fall, groups of geese began to fly away to a warmer climate. But one small group stayed at the pond. As the snow started to swirl around, I watched the geese try to walk across the ice. I wondered how the geese were able to find water to drink.

Finally I noticed that there always seemed to be a small amount of water at the edge of the pond. When the geese found this water, they flapped their wings like they were excited.

Sometimes in life we face problems — like the geese had a problem finding water. But verse 18 of our Bible Reading reminds us that even when we think we don’t have hope, God doesn’t forget us.

Don’t forget that God will be with you today! —BH

Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd. I will always have everything I need.” 

PRAYER: God, I am so thankful that You provide everything I need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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