Why Pray?
Author: Francisco de Castro Maria (Luanda, Angola)
Prayer is one way we have of serving God. It is not our means of getting him to do our will on earth but a means of getting his will done on earth. As we pray, God helps us find solutions to the numerous puzzling and painful situations of our lives. His wisdom surely exceeds ours. When we do not know what the will of God is, prayer will help us discern it.
The verse quoted above reminds us that we must ask in order to receive. If the Syrophoenician woman had not challenged Jesus, her daughter would not have been cured (see Mark 7:24–30). If the blind man of Jericho had not called out to Jesus, he would have remained blind (see Luke 18:35–43).
Just as we do not know who will respond to the message of Jesus until we share it, we will never see the results of a prayer that was not prayed. We pray to acknowledge our faith in God and to find the power to be his people in the world.
Prayer: Eternal God, teach us how to pray as we should and according to your will. May you be glorified in our lives, because we come always to you in prayer. Amen