Peace of Jesus

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:1-12
Author: Les Brisbois (Arizona, US)
Tuesday 21 May 2024 © The Upper Room.

My job required me to run long computer reports for the engineering department. One day, the programming department asked me to stop running the reports in order to run their software tests. Even though I was behind schedule, I did so. But the software tests kept failing. The programmers kept modifying the software, which then required more testing.

My patience waned and I became angry. I felt that resources were being wasted. Instead of asking if their tests could be run later, I belittled the programmers in front of other people. I thought my critical statements made me look important, but later I realised that they only made me look foolish. Angry and judgemental, I had forgotten the Golden Rule: ‘In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you’ (Matthew 7:12).

My pride and impatience blinded my judgement. I now wish I could take back my actions from that day. Criticising others for a fault while remaining blind to my own considerable fault is hypocritical. Jesus taught, ‘Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven’ (Luke 6:37). After much soul searching and Bible study, I now know that God is gracious to me and calls me to be gracious to others.

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for your steadfast grace. Help us to remain on a path of humility and love. Amen

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