Around the World

Bible Reading: Psalm 67:1-7
Author: Carol Purves (Cumbria, England)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

When I open my computer each morning I’m excited to read the meditation from The Upper Room.

 Not only do I get a message that guides or uplifts me during the day; I also have fellowship with Christians all over the world. I have a chance to pray for the circumstances of the authors—for their bereavement, struggles of faith or rejoicing.

I pray next for the country where the day’s writer lives.

Recently I have prayed for Japan, Germany, Spain, Australia, Canada and my own country, England.

The various US states have been featured in my prayers as well. On my wall hangs a large map of the world to help me locate the countries I’m not very familiar with.

Each morning I get a thrill as I realise that people all over the world are reading these same scripture passages and the meditations and praying about the same concerns.

Though we read and pray at different times, our problems, searching and rejoicing are similar, and we all can receive answers and help as we read. And because we read and pray at different times, as we do, a wave of prayer moves around the globe.

Whatever our circumstances and wherever we are, God is the same—faithful to hear us.

Prayer: All praise to you, faithful God, that you listen to us and have compassion on us. Amen

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