Learn from the Master

Bible Reading: Matthew 11:25-30
Author: James P. Willis (Virginia, USA)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Recently, I attended my first Christian writers’ conference in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

It was a wonderful experience, meeting other writers and learning from some of the best professionals in the publishing business.

Each day we rushed from one lecture to the next, hoping to learn more about our craft.

At mealtimes, we had the opportunity to sit at a table with one of the various writers who were speaking at the conference, which provided yet more time to learn.

In most professions, those who are serious about their calling never pass up a chance to learn from the masters of their craft. If we as Christians are serious about our calling, we will never pass up the opportunity to learn from our Master, Jesus Christ.

Each day, we will be eager to dine at his table, sharing the Bread of Life.

Just as we writers sought opportunities to talk with other, more experienced writers, Christians have the opportunity to talk with God.

We have his written word readily available to us. By spending a little time each day immersed in scripture and setting aside time to talk with God, we can get to know him better and deepen our commitment to follow in the way of Jesus.

Prayer: Dear God, we pray for your wisdom and guidance that we might be better servants for your kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

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BSL devotions is such a fantastic resource, thank you so much for starting it up and developing the site. I am a Christian hearing person who works with deaf people and have loved the opportunity to develop my understanding of and use of christian signs through the videos. It would be great to know who all the sign interpreters are as well as those who write the devotional content. Perhaps as the website grows in the future, UK deaf and hearing Christians can contribute to the devotion content. Many thanks and blessings. Please keep the site going! HJ