
Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:1-3
Author: Richard Ryley (New York, USA)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Early one morning after a big storm, I looked up from my desk to see an agitated young man standing in the doorway of my office. When I invited him in, he sat down and poured out his troubles.

He said he needed food and shelter, which I was able to help him with. Then he said that what he really needed was a new pair of sneakers since his had been ruined by walking in the heavy rain of the storm.

I suggested a nearby charity shop, and he replied that he had been there and that they would not be open for four days.

Then the Holy Spirit nudged me to ask him what size sneaker he needed. He said that he wore size 12. That happened to be my size, so I said, ‘Come with me.’ We walked to the boot of my car where I retrieved the spare pair of size-12 sneakers that I always keep there. I handed them to him; he thanked me, and continued on his way.

I returned to my office, grateful that God had used me to help someone and awed at his wonderful timing. It reminded me that life’s coincidences are often God’s way of leading us to acts of service.

Prayer: Ever-present God, we thank you for your guiding Spirit who helps us to look beyond ourselves to see the needs of others. Teach us to listen for your leading and give us the strength to follow. Amen

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Hi, I just want to say that it's a fantastic opportunity for Deaf and hearing to have this wonderful access, as it's my first language to understand the meaning of what it was being said, praise the Lord!! Many thanks!!!! HE