Either Way

Bible Reading: Daniel 3:8-18
Author: Brenda Tucker (South Carolina, USA)
Thursday 18 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
I was overwhelmed with fear when I heard that my dad needed open-heart surgery and that there was a chance he would die on the operating table. 

The next day, I breathed a sigh of relief when the surgeon told us that Dad had survived the surgery. 

Our pastor told us something my dad had said to him the night before. 

Aware that he might not survive the surgery, Dad declared, ‘I’ll be a winner either way, no matter what happens.’ 

My Dad grew up in a Christian orphanage where he was taught that he would always have a heavenly Father who would take care of him.

Our scripture reading for today tells us that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew they served a God who could save them even when they were thrown into a fiery furnace. But they also vowed, ‘Even if he does not… we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.’

When the problems and pains of life challenge our faith, we pray that God will bring us the relief we desire. But may our faith increase so that we can declare, ‘Even if God doesn’t answer the way I would prefer, my faith is in my God.’

Prayer: Dear Father, help us to trust that, whatever the outcome, you are with us through every one of life’s challenges. Amen
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I really love your new website and videos, praise God! Thank God for helping Ramon beat cancer, thank God for His saving grace and healing Holy Spirit. Thank you. God bless you all. SH