A Place in Heaven

Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-5
Author: Georgina Mattute Henze (Federal District, Mexico)
Wednesday 24 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
When my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer, she was given only weeks to live. The news was devastating. 

Suddenly, I felt alone, sad and totally disconnected. I had no idea what would happen to me after my mother died. The emptiness would be enormous. 

At that moment, though, I remembered Psalm 27:10. I was comforted to remember that God is always with me.

During the 18 months that my mother endured her illness, God sustained me with the psalm quoted above. I was able to interact fully with her. When my mother breathed her last, I simply asked God to stand by me, and he gave me the strength and wisdom to carry on. 

As always, God was faithful, remained close and never let me falter.

Now, months after my mother’s death, I continue to feel the pain of her absence. However, I am grateful to God that my mother’s suffering has turned to joy and her pain has ceased. I am at peace, secure in the knowledge that both my mother and I rest in God’s loving arms.

Prayer: Loving God, when we experience loss, help us to remember that you remain with us to console and sustain us. Amen
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