Bible Reading: Matthew 21:28-32
Author: Mrs. Cheryl A. Paden (Nebraska, USA)
Thursday 19 September 2024 © The Upper Room.
“Bob’s celebrating his 90th birthday next week,” I remarked to my husband. “I could get him a card and bake him something.  He’s been so lonely since his wife went into assisted living.”  We had enjoyed Bob and his wife as our neighbours for 37 years.  Regrettably, I never got around to getting a card or baking — I missed an opportunity to show kindness.
This experience reminds me of the parable Jesus told in Matthew 21.  The first son refused to work, but later did the job.  The second son agreed to work, but never did.  Jesus asked his listeners, “Which son did his father’s will?”  The correct answer is the first son.

Did the second son deliberately break his word or did he simply procrastinate?  Perhaps he meant to go but just never got around to it.  I want to be like the son who obeyed his father, but sadly I more often procrastinate.  I know I have been called to be fruitful and helpful, to worship regularly and spend time in prayer.  I mean to do it — but frequently I put it off.  How often have I procrastinated and missed opportunities to show Christian kindness?  This parable is a reminder to follow through on our good intentions with our faithful service to Christ. 

Prayer: Loving God, open our eyes to opportunities to serve, and give us the motivation and energy to follow through. Amen.
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Would it be possible to have a section where the Gospel is explained for Deaf people who are not yet true Christians to view? Maybe it could be a translation of a good tract? In fact, as Christians, we can never study the Gospel message enough for as we grasp it more and more our love for God grows and compels us to share it with others. God bless your endeavours for Him KS