God Will Make A way

Bible Reading: Luke 12:22-34
Author: Mr. Hassan A. Bello (Kaduna, Nigeria)
Friday 19 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
I am a banker and a pastor.  Recently, I was faced with the possibility of dismissal from my job.  My first reaction was fear and concern for my wife and our young son.  I was also upset because I felt like my possible dismissal meant that my work for the past four years at the organisation had not been sufficient.  I tried to act as if all were well when I was at work, but I was deeply troubled by my situation.

Before I went to sleep one night, I took my concerns to the Lord in prayer.  When I woke up the following morning, a word from the Lord came to remind me of God’s ability to feed the birds of the air and to clothe the lilies of the fields so they never have to worry.  This reminder of God’s blessings relieved the heaviness in my heart and reminded me of the possibilities and provisions of the Lord.  This insight continues to sustain my belief that God will provide for my needs even if I lose my job.

When we are faced with scary possibilities, it can be easy to worry and feel as if we are alone.  During times of worry and uncertainty, we can cast our cares on God.  The Lord opens pathways for us when we don’t see a way on our own.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for making a way for us.  Help us remember to trust you when we begin to worry or fear for our future.  Amen.
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Hello Ramon Woolfe, wants to say thanks for the BSL Daily Devotions which is brilliant and i want to say thank you for put this up because i always watch Daily Devotions ASL so keep going as would like to see number growing as let God guide you all... I would love to get involve but only if you can :) God bless you all in richly CMV