The Tiny Green Shoot

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Author: Ms. Ann Stewart (South Australia, Australia)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
While gardening one day, I found a plant that seemed to have died.  I was about to dig it out when I noticed its one tiny green shoot.  Perhaps I should leave it, I reasoned, take better care of it, and give it one more chance.  I did, and over the next season the plant slowly began to flourish.  It is now a lovely bush that I expect to flower next spring.  I’m glad I didn’t dismiss this plant’s potential to grow and to thrive.

When I look at people, I can so easily miss the potential within them.  Thankfully our loving God looks at our hearts and sees all that we can do.  With God’s encouragement and the love and care of others, we can become all that we have been created to be.

With God’s help and guidance, I am learning to look at others differently.  Instead of viewing them with a critical and judgmental attitude, I am trying to find the “tiny green shoot” within each person — especially the difficult ones.  I want to be someone who encourages them not only to grow but to flourish.

Prayer: Loving Father, open our eyes to see the potential in others.  Help us to encourage rather than judge.  Amen.
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