You Never Know

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-14
Author: Mr. Scott Jaskier (New York, USA)
Friday 19 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
The day after my father died, I took my 86-year-old mother to buy groceries.  The store was very crowded with people in a hurry.  On our way to the checkout counter, a friend of my mom stopped to talk to her and offer condolences.  I noticed that a woman behind us was frantic and frustrated because she could not get her shopping cart through the aisle.  I stepped aside to ease the flow of traffic and allow my mom and her friend to comfort one another.  The other shopper sighed and rolled her eyes as she hurried past.

Mom and her friend didn’t realize that they were holding up the line, and the frustrated shopper had no idea that my mom’s husband had just passed away.  I saw a lesson in that moment.  During times when I am hurried, I behave much like that frustrated shopper.  We never know what other people are going through in their lives, but showing kindness in every circumstance is a way to reflect Christ to them.

Prayer: Dear Father, remind us to be patient, kind, and loving toward others as you are patient with us.  Amen.  

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I think it is brilliant. I enjoy very much. It meet my need. I pray and hope it will carry on? God bless and hug. JL