Hands And Feet

Bible Reading: James 2:14-17
Author: Mrs. Carolyn Lee Purdy (Virginia) 
Friday 19 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
During our annual winter visit to California this year, the weather was unseasonably cold and rainy.  There were many storms resulting in flooding and mudslides in several areas.  At the church we attend when we visit each winter, we learned about The Warming Center, which is open from January 1 until March 31 on nights when the temperature drops below 35 degrees or there is heavy rain.  Here people who are homeless can receive a hot meal, sleep indoors, and receive a bag lunch when they leave the next morning.

My husband and I, like many others, donate food and money to our local food banks and shelters, but this was an opportunity to actually be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Setting up the fellowship hall, serving meals, getting to know the guests, and helping with kitchen clean-up helped us form relationships with people we might not have met otherwise.  We are now able to greet them on the street by name and to pray for them.  Jesus charged us to clothe, feed, visit, and care for our brothers and sisters.  As Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to meet the needs of those around us today.  Remind us that everything we do for others we do for you.  Amen. 

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God bless you all and thanks to God for Ramon's healing! \O/ SD