Looming Mountains

Bible Reading: Psalm 61:1-8
Author: Mrs. Pat Gerbrandt (Manitoba, Canada) 
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
When my first-grade teacher helped us memorize Psalm 121, I had no idea how big mountains could be.  There aren’t any mountains where I grew up in central Canada, and I didn’t travel much until I was an adult.  The psalmist’s words meant more to me when I first saw the Canadian Rockies.

Standing next to bare, black rock, I could see nothing but the mountain.  I raised my head but could not tell if the distant jagged peaks were the summit of the massive rock formation.  I was too close to see the whole mountain.
Similarly, sometimes I am so close to a problem that I cannot see any possible solution.  All I can do is cry for help.  I wonder if the psalmist felt this way when he wrote, “I raise my eyes toward the mountains.  Where will my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.”

When faced with a problem that seems insurmountable, I remember Psalm 121.  When I look at the mountains, I realize God, the maker of mountains, is greater than creation.  No trouble I face is a problem for God.

Prayer: Creator God, help us always to trust in your strength.  With your help, we can overcome any challenge.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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