The New Is Here!

Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:18-21
Author: Mr. Robert Ganzert (North Carolina)

Wednesday 24 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
Each New Year is another chance to achieve what we have not yet achieved.  This year I want to be a hard-working student and athlete.  However, I sometimes worry that my past failures will affect my future.  Second Corinthians 5 tells us that God does not count our failures and sins against us as long as we are living in Christ.  Being afraid that we cannot accomplish our dreams becauseof our past affects our successes in the future.

Scripture tells us not to worry; we are a new creation.  Relying on God’s word, I try to keep on track with my studies through continual review and listening closely to my teachers’ directions.  In the same way, I keep up with my running through practice and mental discipline.

I cannot realize these goals, however, apart from my focus on God.  Doing what God wants is our main focus; our love for God motivates us to work hard to achieve our goals.  Our purpose in everything we do is to glorify God.  As we move into the future, we can rely on God no matter what happens in any New Year.

Prayer: God of new beginnings, be with us during this New Year.  Let our past failures drift away.  Help us to enjoy new days in your presence.  Amen.
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