Sharing what I have

Bible Reading: Read Matthew 25:34-40
Author: Wilma R. Vernich (Tennessee, US)
Friday 26 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
As I left a restaurant one night, I saw a man silhouetted in the dim glow of a street light. He had scruffy hair, wore ill-fitting clothing and was carrying some plastic bags. Nervous, I tried to avoid eye contact as I walked by. But just as I passed him, the man pointed to the takeaway box I had brought with me from the restaurant and asked, ‘Ma’am, are you going to eat that?’ I paused and handed him the box, saying, ‘Please take it.’ I continued on to my car,surprised at what had hap- pened. When I looked back, I saw the man already eating my dinner leftovers.

That night I made a silent promise that I would never again close my heart to someone I saw on the street, even if all I had to give was a kind word or leftovers from a meal. I cannot save everyone in the world from hunger, but God isn’t asking me to do that. He does ask me to help those I can by sharing what I have. He doesn’t want us to ignore another’s suffering and walk by but to give with open hearts and open hands.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us all, despite our circumstances. Strengthen us to share your love and kindness with our hurting world. Amen

Thought for the day: I can be God’s hands and feet in the world.
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