Giving grace

Bible Reading: Read 2 Samuel 22:29-31
Author: Bruna Messias Rodrigues de Souza (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
I have always been very confident in my abilities. When I finished high school, I was sure I would get into university; however, I did not get good enough exam results. Because my plans were not working out, I wondered if God still cared about me. But the Lord wisely led me another way: I was able to study in another college where I could work and live closer to my family. That, in turn, gave me opportunities to show them the word of God.

As I prepared to graduate after a course of study that I truly enjoyed, I realised that I could never have completed my education alone. The opportunity of having the added years to deepen my relationship with my family and others allowed me to appreciate what is special in each one of them. Now, I thank God for not answering my prayer in the way that I had wanted. Not being able to fulfil my will at that time resulted in better circumstances. I have learned the power in using the gifts and talents God has given me to help others as much as I can.

Prayer: Thank you, wise and loving God, for not acting according to our will but instead showing us your way. Help us to have open hearts to listen and obey. In the name of Jesus. Amen
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