Words that matter

Bible Reading: Read John 4:1-26, 39-42
Author: Charlotte Mande Ilunga (Western Cape, South Africa)
Thursday 18 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
One day, a young couple knocked at my door. I had no idea who they were or why they had come until the woman said, ‘You once spoke to me of things that mattered when I was a rebellious teenager.’ She said that the words I had used had rung in her ears and heart to the extent that they changed her life. As a result, she left her wild friends behind and went to college, and accepted Jesus as her personal Saviour. Now she is happily married.

She ended with, ‘I came to say thank you.’ This woman’s words reminded me of what the Samaritan woman said about Jesus, that he had told her everything about her life. This experience became a turning point in her life. She went out to tell the villagers, and many people believed. If we are mindful of the words that we speak, they can help lead others to God.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, help us to speak words that are full of your love, truth and hope. Amen
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Hello Ramon Woolfe, wants to say thanks for the BSL Daily Devotions which is brilliant and i want to say thank you for put this up because i always watch Daily Devotions ASL so keep going as would like to see number growing as let God guide you all... I would love to get involve but only if you can :) God bless you all in richly CMV