Giving with joy

Bible Reading: Read Malachi 3:6-10
Author: Aguinaldo Agostinho (Luanda, Angola)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
Until 2008 my wife and I had not tithed regularly. Our resources were already insufficient to support most of our needs. We were afraid that if we gave regularly, we would not have enough left to live on.

One day, as we reflected on today’s reading from Malachi, we real- ised that we needed to tithe. We felt obligated to renew our commit- ment to the maintenance of our local church life. Later our resources began to increase, and we understood that tithing was an expression of our recognition that God is the Creator and that all we have belongs to him.

Acts 20:35 reminds us, ‘It is more blessed to give than to
receive’. Tithing and other offerings can be joyful acts of love. And the blessings we receive from God are greater than what we contribute to the harvest.

Prayer: Eternal God, teach us to contribute sincerely and
regularly to your work in the world. Amen
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I so miss sign language I love the devotions in sign language - J Mc (Thailand)