
Bible Reading: Read Psalm 57:8-11
Author: Sharon B. Capron (Oklahoma, US)
Tuesday 23 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
Every morning I watch as the sky begins to lighten on our farm. When I can see the sun’s brilliant rays skimming across the fields, I know it is time to open the barn. The peacocks scream from their high roost in the trees, alerting the birds in the barn that I
am coming.

The geese honk impatiently for their liberty. They do not know that I am protecting them from night-time predators. They do not under- stand that everything I do to look after them is for their sake. But I am faithful anyway.

As I open the barn door, the birds burst forth, tumbling over each other to be first at the water trough. They plunge their heads deep under the water’s surface, causing the water to wash over them as they tremble with glee. I take great pleasure in faithfully caring for

In a similar way, God faithfully cares for us. He protects us
whether we understand or not, whether we credit our Creator or not. He never wearies of the task, and he never oversleeps or becomes ill. God takes pleasure in us. He is faithful.

Prayer: Faithful God, we praise your name. May we always be faithful to you. Amen
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