Words that heal

Bible Reading: Isaiah 53:1-10
Author: Madalena Manuel Simao (Luanda, Angola)
Tuesday 23 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
Twelve years ago I was diagnosed with chronic malaria. Every week I had to go to the hospital to receive treatment, and I felt in deep despair. Then, one week, a work colleague invited me to attend a service at his church. 

At first I was reluctant, but my husband convinced me to go. When the service started, the words of the hymns deeply touched my heart. Then I heard the local pastor preaching on Isaiah 53, about how the Lord heals all our diseases. From that moment I noticed a difference in my life and gave myself completely to God, having learned to pray in a new way.

Since then, I have been praying about my distress and my worry has disappeared. Often my prayers have been answered. God helped me  to keep my mind and my heart focused on Jesus Christ. My illness was cured with the help of medication. But nothing was more effective in pulling me out of the darkness than the clear words of God.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for words that bring healing and illuminate our lives. Amen

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