God's faithful provision

Bible Reading: Philippians 4: 18 - 20
Author: Patricia Noller (Queensland, Australia)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
When my late husband Charles and I married, we committed ourselves completely to God by praying from the Methodist Covenant Prayer: ‘Let me be full, let me be empty; let me have all things, let me have nothing. We freely and heartily yield all things to your pleasure and disposal.’

Having a child each year while Charles finished his theological studies meant that money was tight, but God provided in many ways, including money left in a blank envelope in our letterbox. When Charles received a scholarship to do a Ph.D. in Canberra, life was easier and more pleasant. Our fourth child was born during our first year in a parish in Newcastle and I needed a lot of bed rest. But again God provided for us through a good friend in the church who helped by cleaning our home each week.

In 1974, while we were living in Brisbane, my husband suggested that I finish the degree I had begun in 1955. I was afraid of failure, but many things came together to make study possible – the children being at school, the government temporarily removing university fees, living close to the university. Once again God had provided for us! I am convinced that when we step out in faith, God will provide for us in unexpected ways.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to have the courage to follow your will for our lives, trusting you to provide what we need to serve you. Amen

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