Yet I will rejoice in the Lord

Bible Reading: Habbakuk 3: 17 - 19
Author: Sue Richards (Buckinghamshire, UK)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
When we went through a particularly difficult time with our son recently, facing aggression, suicide threats and deep despair, and atthe same time my husband’s health deteriorated, I emailed many Christian friends, asking for prayer. One friend reminded me that the sacrifice of praise allows the Holy Spirit to fill our lives, and that praising God in all circumstances can be very empowering. She gently exhorted me to try it.

So the next morning I came up with a lot of things for which I praised God: my three wonderful sisters, the riotous colour in the hanging baskets, full cupboards, freedom to pray in safety and even a favourite TV programme. It isn’t hard to find things to be thankful for, and though I know I fail to do it all the time, it is a prayer practice well worth taking up.

Of course, the real challenge is to praise God for the difficult situations we find ourselves in, which seem contrary to his plans for us. I’m still working on that one! To  paraphrase Habakkuk: ‘Though my son is deeply depressed, though my husband’s health is poor and his disability increases, though there is little in the bank and we have a huge mortgage to pay, “yet I will rejoice”…’
Prayer: Lord, help me to thank you in all the circumstances of my life and to trust that you are there in the midst of them. Amen

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It's great that the service is also provided in English. God Bless you Ramon. CS